Today right after exam ended we went to Sunway!! It was sort of like a tradition for us to go somewhere after exam ends.
Can you guess where were we first? It's J.CO! Miss Yen Nee was feeling hungry due to stressful Pharmanalysis. Actually it looks like someplace romantic right?
Then I ordered J.CO super nice green tea ice blended but then got stolen by this ah moi. You can see that she totally enjoys it.
Now it's my turn to savour it. Me and Yen Nee drinking green tea how about those two?
Ta -da! What do you eat when you are in J.CO? Donuts!
Busy eating and staring at the rest of the donuts while.....
Peggy was offering her donut to her but then no one seems to response to her......
Special message to my best buddies:
Ding Yen Nee (Ding Hor Fun)
Ah moi! I'm very happy that whenever we go out, no matter where someone bound to ask us are we sisters or not?? Haha...except for today the J.CO guy was asking sister and brother(pointing to me) I look like brother meh? Thanks for being there all the time for me 24/7. I always know that when I need help I can always call Yen Nee!! Then you sure come up with a plan lol. Thanks for enduring with my "bad" moods during EOS.
Peggy~~Sorry I forgotten what's your nick name hehe
Evelyn Chen Tom Yam
Another ah moi! Thanks for being so supportive throughout this sem. Thanks for asking whether I have food to eat or not and I dont have any you would volunteer to bring me bread. Those small things really meant a lot. And you are my prayer buddy too! So you are helping me to develop that spiritual part of me and constantly being there to remind me that God is always there and always forever love me ;)
On Tuesday 18 Nov 2008, I ended my day with a special suprise from Miss Eve.
Till then some other day when my blogging mood strikes again, I shall retreat to my comfortable bed cos the lack of sleep is getting me and I need to wake up at 5 a.m to get ready for my ride to Kuching! No one in Kuching knows I'm coming back except for my sis and of cos my dog lol so it's going to be a big suprise once I'm there. Nite!
Ah moi! Ah nee is so honoured to be praised by miss lum mee! Actually you know tak, hor fun loves being lum mee's fren de!! :) That day I was really not feeling well, so paiseh oh.. :P Ah moi! Have a splendid holiday o!! Miss u lots! :*
lol! I understand le. Why so fast miss me? Not sincere le.... lol
hey,lum mee forgot her 'colleague' in the canteen~~ dunno my nickname...find it out urself...wahaha~~
sem 3 really killing us, at last is over now... Those pic are really nice ler~~ hehe...thanks for praising me oso... Have A nice holiday oh~~ (:
lum mee
i hope this time the comment can be sent..
thanks for mentioning me... hehe
im glad u like the gift.. i thought that a sweet n cute person lik u deserves a sweet n cute gift.. hehe.. so whenever u miss me.. just shake it and remember me.. hehe... happy holidays!!
it seems tht u ppl has alots of fun...
how come didnt invite me one
anitha!! Welcome! lol first time see you in my blog! Sure next time we go watch movie can invite you lol
wahhh so shiok!! i miss uni days!!
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